Alternative Horsemanship with Samantha Harvey

Remote Horse Coaching

Horseback Rider Help & Distance Horse Learning

Online Equine Behavior Horsemanship Instruction

Horse quote

Alternative Horsemanship with Samantha Harvey the Remote Horse Coach developed her horsemanship training philosophy over the past three decades of working with various competitive and pleasure riders worldwide. 


Beginning in 2014, Sam expanded her in-person equine teachings by adding innovative distance horse coaching and online equine-related learning options. Her goal was to offer ongoing support to equine enthusiasts wanting to continue their horsemanship journey but without in-person access.

The Remote Horse Coach's intention is to help bridge the gap of potential miscommunication and misunderstanding between horse and rider. She teaches practical and realistic skillsets to help equestrians worldwide improve their horsemanship, recognize patterns and habits that limit their equine partnership, and replace them with strategies to create successful, trust-based horse relationships.


Students build their confidence, become proactive in their equine communication, and learn to understand horse communication by deciphering the difference between the symptom and root cause(s) of unwanted horse behavior. Focusing on this improves the horseback rider's ability to recognize, assess, understand, and address equine behavior in a manner that has value to the horse. This builds safe and rewarding partnerships that increase the horse's willingness and reasonable behaviors.


Sam has developed innovative distance horse learning services to help students of all experience levels.

Client Testimonials: 

"Thank you once again, Sam! Whenever I read your posts or listen to you, I am reminded of things that I either overlook or forget to think about. You are amazing!" Tammy P, USA


"The success I’ve had is mind-blowing. Truly. They were always so good for me and I could basically do anything with them but the guilt I used to feel before I talked to you was awful. Now, I let go of the guilt... I am sooo happy! So - a huge THANK YOU!!!!!" Julie O, USA


"I completed one of Sam's Equine Behavior Courses in June and was really impressed with the presentation, which was easy to understand and immensely enjoyable. She is very thought-provoking and it has led me to consider the conversation my horse has to off and listen for his responses. Thank you Sam." Chantelle J, UK

Remote Horse Coach

Where do I start?


Students can subscribe to a suitable mentorship level that fits their lifestyle, time, and budget. Choose from group or individual coaching options.


Unsure where to start? Many students begin with a personalized equine-related intro telephone consultation. 


For free weekly episodes into improving the equine partnership subscribe to the Dear Sam: Horse Help Horsemanship Series, available on the Alternative Horsemanship YouTube channel.


The Remote Horse Coach Video Catalogue offers choices from daily, weekly, monthly, or annual rentals and subscriptions to horse behavior courses, anxious rider classes, horseback rider skill refinement, and horse rider mindset webinars.


Weekly horse teaching livestreams with Q & A Opportunities offered in the Alternative Horsemanship Locals Community.


Unsure of where or how to start? Visit the FAQs page.